Early booking is advisable, as the tours can fill up quickly. The last 5 years’ tours were almost all full within 1 week of the brochure being issued.
Please note that Sunvil do not accept credit cards - clients can pay by Debit card or cheque,
or by bank transfer. Clients from outside the UK can pay by BACS to the following account: Sunvil International, National Westminster Bank, London Road, Isleworth, Middlesex. Sterling account
IBAN GB87NWBK60201836560804, SWIFT NWBKGB2L. Could you please pay in sterling and include the bank charges.
All bookings should be made on the booking form directly to Sunvil (address on the form), with the appropriate deposit. At present, the booking form cannot be filled in and submitted online. It has to be printed out and filled in, then faxed or posted to Sunvil, but feel free to phone or e-mail to confirm places first.
Please let us know if you have any special dietary or other requirements, and we will do our best to accommodate them.
Notes on completing the booking form
Please could everyone make sure that the booking form has the following in addition to the holiday and address details:
1. Full names, as shown on the passport, of everyone booking
2. Passport number, date of issue, date of expiry, place of issue and where citizen of – all now required by the airlines
3. A mobile phone number if you have one, and preferably an e-mail address too.
4. If booking for more than one tour, could you please pay for each separately.
Re: booking conditions on the booking form
Please note that the general booking terms, conditions and information are from Sunvil’s general holiday conditions, and the page numbers given refer to further information in their brochure. They can also be viewed at: These conditions apply except that occasionally NHT standards exceed Sunvil’s, such as in the question of absorbing currency fluctuations.